STUDENTS joined forces to raise hundreds of pounds for a growing band of brothers injured or killed serving their country.
Darlington School of Mathematics and Science pupils swapped school uniform for red, white and blue civvies in a major fundraiser for a cause close to their hearts.
Ex-pupils John King and Steven Johnson both lost their lives serving in conflict-ravaged Afghanistan.
Many more DSMS students have siblings, mothers and fathers serving in the Armed Forces and have to live with the daily fear for their welfare.
The non-uniform day raised £427 for the Army Benevolent Fund which looks after injured soldiers and their families.
Regional director of the ABF Major Barney Barnbrook told a special assembly: “This is all about being a patriot and supporting members of the Armed Forces who have supported you in so many wars. This is a legacy for people who have done something for their country.
“A lot of the guys who are injured go on to do amazing things with their lives. Alistair Hodgson lost his legs in an IRA bomb but later became the first to skydive in a free fall parachute display.
“They have all done something very important for you because you are the future of Great Britain and they have made the world a better place for you to grow up in.”
Deputy head teacher Neil Johnson said: “Our military personnel are away overseas defending our right to live as we want.”
A party of students and head teacher Calvin Kipling then showed the major a new garden of remembrance being created for those who have fallen serving their country in countless war.
He said: “We are very proud of our links with the Armed Forces and rarely does a day go by when conflict somewhere in the world does not have an impact on our lives.
“The garden of remembrance is an important element of our new-look academy. It provides a lasting memorial to those who have fallen in the line of duty and a quiet area of contemplation for our staff and students to use.”